
About This Blog

As the field of physical therapy is often under threat by other professional organizations, insurance company policies, brand intrusion, or other incidences, hasty responses are made in the essence of time to defend our noble profession. Are these the right responses? If right, are they executed in a proper manner? These are the questions we should be asking ourselves everyday.
The purpose of this blog is not to undermine or discourage the actions of the American Physical therapy Association (APTA), but to challenge its actions and views to assess their appropriateness, effectiveness, and impact on the world. Through exploring topics from all sides, we are  able to come to stronger conclusions, or perhaps choose a pathway that is more appropriate for the given situation. Thus, progress is born from the ashes of debate and discussion.
Mission: To provide a space for discussion of alternative hypotheses, dissenting opinions, and critical analyses in response to the hot button issues facing the field of physical therapy.
Vision: To challenge the views of physical therapy related topics in hopes of facilitating dynamic discussion and progress of the field.

In no way are the opinions expressed in this blog by any party a reflection of the views of the American Physical Therapy Association, Angelo State University, or any other entity or company discussed.

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Why I Introduce Myself as Heidi, Doctor of Physical Therapy

A really hot topic in today's field continues to be the use of "doctor" as a descriptor for those of us that hold a DPT degree...